Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nutrition and Wellness

Each of us is unique, so I begin with an intensive personal assessment including an examination of health history, eating history and current lifestyle. Each client receives an in-depth analysis of their current eating patterns with explanations of any dietary deficiencies. We then embark on process of discovering the best food choices for improving focus and clarity as well as looking at anti-inflammatory options, detoxification booster foods and time management skills. We can work on weight management and lowering cholesterol as well if you like. My wellness coaching approach to nutritional counseling takes eating history, current lifestyle, budget and personal tastes into consideration. We will work to develop a plan that can be accomplished in a timely way using short and long term goal setting, meal planning, recipe sharing, stress reduction and detoxification to reach your ultimate objectives.

Many people are surprised to learn that allergies to certain foods and artificial food additives can greatly exacerbate the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. With this in mind, I take a take a careful inventory of everything a new client eats and drinks and scrutinize these for evidence of allergies or sensitivities to foods or substances. I also make use of laboratory testing to identify allergies and sensitivities.

People are often surprised how quickly they begin to experience health recovery once these allergenic substances are eliminated from their diets. People with ADHD often experience significant relief from hyperactivity and addictive eating patterns once these irritants have been cleared from their bodies. As nutrition coach and wellness counselor I can help you redesign your diet to include many of the foods you like and introduce you to many new and wonderful foods which will enhance your health and wellness. Together we will develop workable, practical strategies that will support you in achieving better health and wellness.

Nutrition and Wellness coaching is most successful when done over a period of time. So I encourage my clients to commit to a series of sessions. It usually takes several sessions to learn which wellness strategies work best for each individual and allows time for experimentation and adjustments to our nutritional planning. This assures that you will enjoy success in your journey to optimal health and wellness.
Summary of ServicesDiet Analysis Individual Diet ProtocolsDietary and Lifestyle Coaching Public Lectures and Programs Shopping Tours Cooking Lessons and Demonstrations

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wi-fi laptop fears for children

Computers with wireless internet should not be placed on children's laps, says the head of the government's committee on mobile phone safety research.

Professor Lawrie Challis told the Daily Telegraph children using wi-fi networks should be monitored until research into potential health risks is completed.

He says children should keep a safe distance from the embedded antennas.

The Health Protection Agency has said wi-fi devices are of very low power - much lower than mobile phones.

Prof Challis, retired professor of physics at the University of Nottingham, said: "With a desktop computer, the transmitter will be in the tower.

"This might be perhaps 20cms from your leg and the exposure would then be around one per cent of that from a mobile phone.

"However, if you put a laptop straight on your lap and are using wi-fi, you could be around two centimetres from the transmitter, and receiving comparable exposure to that from a mobile phone."

'Bigger problem'

Prof Challis added that children are much more sensitive than adults to dangers such as pollutants like lead and UV radiation.

"So if there should be a problem with mobiles, then it may be a bigger problem for children.

"Since we advise that children should be discouraged from using mobile phones, we should also discourage children from placing their laptop on their lap when they are using wi-fi.

Meanwhile, teachers have called for an investigation into whether there are any health risks from wireless computer networks in schools.

The Professional Association of Teachers union is writing to the education secretary for a clarification on wi-fi safety.

Many primary and secondary schools use wi-fi networks - but the PAT believes there is insufficient long-term evidence to demonstrate whether such networks are safe.

What Are EMFs?

In all examples of EMF, the energy field causes a change in everything it encounters.

EMF (or ElectroMagnetic Field) is a broad term which includes electric fields generated by charged particles, magnetic fields generated by charged particles in motion, and radiated fields such as TV, radio, and microwaves. Electric fields are measured in units of volts per meter or V/m. Magnetic fields are measured in milli-Gauss or mG. The field is always strongest near the source and diminishes as you move away from the source. These energies have the ability to influence particles at great distances. For example, the radiation from a radio tower influences the atoms within a distant radio antenna, allowing it to pick up the signal. Despite the many wonderful conveniences of electrical technology, the effects of EMF on biological tissue remains the most controversial aspect of the EMF issue with virtually all scientists agreeing that more research is necessary to determine safe or dangerous levels. Iron, necessary for healthy blood and stored in the brain, is highly effected by EMF. The permeability of the cell membrane of our nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs is effected. The intricate DNA of the chromosomes has been shown to be effected by EMFs as well. In fact, throughout our bodies, every biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF-sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions.

When Are EMFs Dangerous?

2.5 mG is the generally accepted limit of ELF magnetic field exposure but no one tells you that the average hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, or can opener you use EMITS AN AMAZING 300 mG or more!!!

After more than 25 years of intensive study, the health and safety conscious Swedish government has established a safety limit for exposure to ELF magnetic field at 2.5 mG, and VLF magnetic fields at only 0.25 mG. Although the U.S. government has been slower to act in establishing its own standards, the Swedish standard is generally accepted throughout the world. What this possibly means is that if someone consistently experiences exposure which exceeds the standard, that person could be at risk for developing health problems which can range from headaches, fatigue, and dizziness to skin rashes, miscarriage, leukemia, and cancer. In fact, numerous court cases where plaintiffs claim to have been injured by EMFs are now in progress. Even though the controversy of conflicting scientific studies persists, it seems strange that cigarettes and alcohol are packaged with warnings we already know about, and the sodium, fat, and cholesterol content of foods must appear on the labels, but NO ONE TELLS YOU THAT THE AVERAGE HAIR DRYER, VACUUM CLEANER, OR CAN OPENER YOU USE EMITS AN AMAZING 300 mG OR MORE!!!

What Can You Do About EMFs?

The Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States recommends a policy of "prudent avoidance" with respect to EMF. Prudent avoidance means to measure fields, determine the sources, and act to reduce exposure.

1. Detect EMFs in your home and work environment.

You have to know where the sources of EMF are in your everyday world and how strong these sources are. Is there wiring in the wall behind your bed that you don't even know about? Is the vaporizer emitting strong fields in the baby's room? How much EMF are you and your family getting from the power lines in the street? Get a meter, share it with your friends, and test the areas where you spend time.

2. Diminish your exposure to the EMFs you find.

Remember that EMFs go right through doors and walls.

· Determine how far you must stay away from the EMF emitters in your home & work environment to achieve less than 2.5 mG of exposure... the microwave oven, the alarm clock, the computer, and so on.

· Rearrange your furniture (especially the beds, desks, and couches where you spend the most time) away from heaters, wiring, and fluorescent lights, electric doorbells, and other EMF "hot spots".

· Contact your local utility if you suspect high radiation from power lines near your home, schools, or workplace. They will come out and test. If they find high levels of EMF (ask for the report!) they may be required to re-route the power lines, move them higher, or bury them.

· Turn off, don't use, or throw out electrical appliances that you can do without!

· Have an electrician correct faulty high EMF wiring and help you eliminate dangerous stray ground currents. Consult a qualified EMF engineer if necessary.

· Here's a simple way to reduce exposure from idle computer monitors using the "Low-Power Standby" mode: In Control Panel, locate the "Display Properties". Click the Screen Saver tab and check the Low-Power Standby box. Set the amount of minutes of idle before activation of standby mode. Click OK. What this accomplishes is that the monitor will power down (almost zero radiation output!) when the keyboard is idle for a short while. To "wake up" the monitor, simply touch the keypad or mouse. Note: this is better than Screen Savers, which do not reduce radiation or power consumption! This may only be available in some Windows 95/98 computers. For other computers use the Monitor Miser to accomplish the same radiation savings.

3. Shield yourself.

Use the shielding devices BioPro pendant, BioPro Chip on your cell phone and Universal Chip on devices, computer, etc. I always use the special BioPro ear wire.

Use a flat screen monitor. Add shielding to your household wiring, circuit box, and transformers. Use shielding-enhanced in your bedding if you must be exposed to EMFs with silver and copper woven into the fabric.

Did you know that:

· you can reduce the EMF exposure from your hair dryer 90% or more by arranging to hang the dryer on a wall hook, get a flexible plastic hose for the nozzle, and direct the hot air to your head with the hose!

· Dr. David Carpenter, Dean of the School of Public Health, SUNY was quoted as saying that he estimates that 10% to 15% of all childhood cancers may be due to exposure to residential power lines!

· USA Today conducted a survey of 4567 readers and reported that EMF pollution is the #1 environmental concern in America today.

· the Wall Street Journal reported in 1993 that the real estate resale value of homes decreased by as much as 30%, if exposed to EMFs!

· that electric fields are measured in units of volts per meter (V/m) and magnetic fields are measured in units of Gauss (G) or Tesla (T). 1 tesla = 10,000 gauss.

· microwaves are within the upper part of the radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum? Radio frequencies range from kilohertz (thousands of cycles per second) to gigahertz (billions of cycles per second). Check your microwave oven for leakage!

· epidemiological studies in Sweden by Maria Feychting showed that individuals exposed to high magnetic fields at home and at work had 3.7 times the risk of developing leukemia compared to those not exposed.

· that 2 recent research reports have identified elevated risks of breast cancer among women working in jobs with presumed higher than average exposure to EMFs.

· the US Postal Service has agreed to allow installation of 200 foot high towers supporting clusters of cellular phone antennas on the rooftops of 11,500 US Post Offices. By using this federal land, the installers can circumvent local planning boards.

· the electromagnetic radiation from 4 watt walkie-talkies and 0.6 watt cell phones can cause medical life support equipment (such as infant apnea monitors) to malfunction?

· the back of your computer is actually more EMF dangerous than the front? The safe distance from the front of your computer is about 30", while safe EMF levels from the back are about 40"! Think about what this means in schools and offices with rows of terminals. Suggest computer shielding to your employer and school board.

· when shopping for appliances, those with a higher EER (energy efficiency ratio) generally produce lower EMF levels and are therefore safer!

· one study (Ahlbom & Feychting, 1993) reported that at 2 mG and above, exposed children were 2.7 times as likely to develop cancer as unexposed children, and at 3 mG and above, the odds rose to 3.8 times as likely!

· another study (Wertheimer & Leeper, 1986) stated that couples who use either electric blankets or electrically heated waterbeds had a significantly higher miscarriage rate!

NIH Report Labels EMF as "Possible Human Carcinogen."

Scientists demand inquiry over Wi-Fi

'The research hasn't been done - we cannot assume that wireless networks have no effects', expert warns
By Jonathan Owen
Independent on Sunday
Published: 29 April 2007
The health risks posed by Wi-Fi technology should be investigated by eminent scientists to ensure that a generation will not be damaged by growing levels of "electronic smog".

"The research hasn't been done. Therefore we cannot assume that there are no effects," said Dennis Henshaw, professor of human radiation at Bristol University. "I would be in favour of an inquiry into the dangers of Wi-Fi. This technology is being wheeled out without any checks and balances."

His concerns were echoed by Alan Preece, professor of medical physics at Bristol University, a pioneer of the research into the effects of mobile phones on the brain. "No one is really aware of what we are dealing with," he said. "The Department for Trade and Industry needs to take the lead and do some investigation."

The developments came after a week in which a row has flared between scientists around the world. The exchanges were prompted by reports in last week's Independent on Sunday that teaching unions and scientists have been pressing for an official investigation into the potential risks of Wi-Fi.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA), chaired by Sir William Stewart, has yet to announce publicly its intentions, but senior sources have admitted to this newspaper that proper research needs to be done to ensure that Wi-Fi does not present a danger to children, acknowledging there are ethical issues and public health concerns.

It emerged yesterday that Professor Lawrie Challis, the head of the Government's committee on mobile phone safety, is also urging caution. "Since we advise that children should be discouraged from using mobile phones, we should also discourage children from placing their laptop on their lap when they are using Wi-Fi," he said.

And Dr George Carlo, chair of the Science and Public Policy Institute in the US, is setting up a global registry of people suffering from symptoms relating to the technology. Commenting on Sir William's stance, he said: "I know he is under enormous pressure from the mobile telecommunications industry, and the official stance being taken by HPA is one that is different to his personal views. That is the reality. The HPA has dropped the ball in not requiring testing before Wi-Fi goes into schools."

The concern is not confined to scientists. Last week saw the Professional Association of Teachers call for a formal investigation into the health risks.
The explosion in Wi-Fi shows no sign in slowing. One in five adults own a wireless laptop and half of primary schools and four-fifths of secondary schools now use wireless networks.

Dr. Dale’s comment:

We need to protect our children and research this issue immediately. If you are a parent, or a grandparent, or just a caring person -- take action as this technology has not been researched and we already know that cells phone cause inflammation in the tissue around the ear and brain and have been indicated as a cause of brain tumors.
I will be having much more on this to you soon.


The exposure limits in the following tables, gathered from various sources, were derived from well established, severe biological effects (such as tissue heating and nerve stimulation) data. This information is not meant to present "SAFE" vs. "UNSAFE" levels when it comes to the much lower exposure thresholds studied in the epidemiological literature (with respect to cancer, melatonin suppression, and other biological effects). It is clearly not yet known what the truly safe levels of exposure are. With that in mind, here are the exposure guidelines that are available:

IEEE Standard for Safety Levels C95.6
based on immediate biological effects at 50/60 Hz for general public




.006 @20Hz


.943 @167Hz

Whole Body


Head & Torso


Transmission Line EMF Standards and Guidelines in the US




w/i R.O.W.

Edge of R.O.W.

Edge of R.O.W.


8 kV/m*

2 kV/m

150 mG* (max. load)

10 kV/m**

200 mG** (max. load)

250 mG*** (max. load)


8 kV/m


7 kV/m+

1 kV/m

New Jersey

3 kV/m

New York

11.8 kV/m

1.6 kV/m

200 mG (max. load)

11 kV/m++

7 kV/m+


9 kV/m

* For lines of 69-230 kV.
** For 500-kV lines.
*** For 500-kV lines on certain existing R.O.W.
+ Maximum for highway crossings.
++ Maximum for private road crossings.
R.O.W. = right-of-way.

The Swedish Computer Monitor Standards

Sweden offers two measurement and emission guidelines for computers monitors:

The first, known as MPR II, prescribes limits on electric and magnetic field emissions in the ELF and VLF ranges, as well as the static field.

A more recent and more restrictive standard, promoted by the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO), addresses the entire computer. In addition to field emissions, TCO '95 includes guidelines for energy consumption, screen flicker, luminance and keyboard use.

Frequency Range


TCO '95

Electric Fields:

DC: Static Field

+/-500 V

+/-500 V

ELF: 5 Hz - 2 KHz (Band I)

up to 25 V/m

up to 10 V/m

VLF: 2 KHz - 400 KHz (Band II)

up to 2.5 V/m

up to 1 V/m

Magnetic Fields:

ELF: 5 Hz - 2 KHz (Band I)

up to 2.5 mG

up to 2.0 mG

VLF: 2 KHz - 400 KHz (Band II)

up to .25 mG

up to .25 mG

MPR II measurements are taken at a distance of 50 cm (approximately 20 inches) at 16 points around the monitor, at 3 different levels.

TCO measurements are taken at a distance of 30 cm (approximately 12 inches) in front of and 50 cm around the sides of the monitor (except for Band II magnetic fields and the static field, which are measured at 50 cm in front of the screen).

The TCO Development Center sponsors a website that provides additional information about the TCO organization and their guidelines.

Guidelines from the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (IRPA/INIRC)

Exposure Amount
(50/60 Hz)

Electric Field

Magnetic Field


Whole working day:

10 kV/m

5 G (5,000 mG)

Short term: *

30 kV/m

50 G (50,000 mG)

For limbs:

250 G (250,000 mG)

General Public:

Up to 24 hours per day:

5 kV/m

1 G (1,000 mG)

Few hours per day:

10 kV/m

10 G (10,000 mG)

* For electric fields of 10-30 kV/m:
[field strength (in kV/m)] x [hours of exposure] should not exceed 80 for the whole working day.
Whole-body exposure to magnetic fields up to 2 hours per day should not exceed 50 Gauss.
Source: IRPA/INIRC 1990.

ACGIH Occupational Threshold Limit Values for 60-Hz EMF

Electric Field

Magnetic Field

Occupational exposures should not exceed 25 kV/m (from 0 Hz to 100 Hz).
Prudence dictates the use of protective devices (e.g. suits, gloves, insulation) in fields above 15 k/Vm.

Occupational exposure should not exceed 10 G (10,000 mG).

For workers with cardiac pacemakers maintain exposure at or below 1 kV/m.

For workers with cardiac pacemakers, the field should not exceed 1 G (1,000 mG).

Source: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 1994.

Maximum Recommended Permissible RF Exposure Levels

According to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C95.1-1994

ANSI Uncontrolled refers to an environment in which the energy levels are not known, or where some people present may not be aware of the EM fields.
Controlled refers to an environment in which the energy levels can be accurately measured and everyone on the premises is aware of the presence of EM fields.

The ANSI exposure limits are the average exposure over a 6 minute period.

Notice that in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 300 MHz, the safe exposure limits are the lowest. This is the frequency range where the human body is a more efficient absorber of radiation. Notice also that the Swedish standards for computer monitors are far stricter that the ANSI standards in the low frequencies.