Saturday, December 03, 2005

Sport Nutrition Resources

The Coaching Association of Canada is currently revising its sport nutrition resources to ensure that athletes and coaches have the most up-to-date information on nutrition and athletic performance. A variety of nutrition tip sheets are being developed in the areas of fluids, vitamins and minerals, long distance travel, gaining weight, losing weight, and dietary supplements, to name a few. In addition, the SNAC Committee is developing tip sheets for athletes travelling to other countries for competitions. Learn what to eat and what not to eat while competing in countries such as Korea, Spain, Norway, and the Dominican Republic.

Websites on Sport Nutrition

Gatorade Sport Science Institute
Dietitians of Canada
Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating
For more information about the Gatorade Sport Science Institute, click here. (.pdf, 104 KB)

Training Diet - Everyday Eating

Training Diet - Everyday Eating
Eat Smart, Win Smart

Eat Smart, Win Smart in Athens
Position Papers and Position Statements

"Nutrition and Athletic Performance" Position of Dietitians of Canada, the American Dietetic Association, and the American College of Sports Medicine, 2000
(.pdf file, 26 pages, 128 kb. )
Position Statement on Nutritional Supplements from the Sport Nutrition Advisory Committee of the Coaching Association of Canada, 2001
A Statement on Fluid Needs from the Sport Nutrition Advisory Committee of
the Coaching Association of Canada, 2003 (Word .doc, 28 KB)
Nutrition Tip Sheets

Fueling the Youg Athlete 2005 (.pdf, 112 KB)
Nutrition for Child and Adolescent Athletes 2005 (.pdf, 160 KB)
Research Proves It - A High Carbohydrate Diet is Essential 2005 (.pdf, 184 KB)
Recovery Nutrition for High School Athletes 2005 (.pdf, 120 KB)
Kids and Hydration: Selecting Beverages for Active Kids 2005 (.pdf, 92 KB)
Exercising in the Heat? Lower your risk of heat illness! 2005 (.pdf, 91 KB)
Expected Temperature and Humidity Ranges for Major Summer Games 2005 (.pdf, 69 KB)
Foods and Fluids for Team Sports 2005 (.pdf, 151 KB)
Heat Illness Prevention Tips 2005 (.pdf, 111 KB)
Sport Drinks: Myths and Facts 2005 (.pdf, 136 KB)
Energize with carbohydrate! 2005 (.pdf, 142 KB)
Protein Pointer 2005 (.pdf, 139KB)
Fat Finder, 2005 (.pdf, 141 KB)
Iron Indicator 2005 (.pdf, 164 KB)
Calcium Counter 2005 (.pdf, 155 KB)
Long Distance Travel, 2005 (.pdf, 141 KB)
Vegetarian Ways of Eating: Finding the Nutrients, 2001 (.pdf 309 KB )
Nutrition Away From Home, 2002 (.pdf, 164 KB)
Gaining Weight For Athletes, 2002 (.pdf, 148 KB)
Fluids for Athletes, 2002 (.pdf, 152 KB)
Checklist for the Travelling Athlete and Coach, 2004 (.pdf, 253 KB)
Evaluating Dietary Supplements, 2004 (.pdf, 374 KB)
Evaluating Vitamin and Mineral Products, 2004 (.pdf, 375 KB)
Losing Weight for Athletes, 2004 (.pdf, 220 KB)

Nutrition Around the World

Nutrition in Turkey, 2005 (.pdf, 232 KB)
Nutrition in Italy, 2005 (.pdf, 427 KB)
Nutrition in Korea, 2003 (.pdf, 207 KB)
Nutrition in Greece, 2004 (.pdf, 264 KB)
Nutrition in Japan, 2004 (.pdf, 263 KB)
Nutrition in Norway, 2004 (.pdf, 263 KB)
Nutrition in Spain, 2004 (.pdf, 264 KB)
Nutrition in the Dominican Republic, 2004 (.pdf, 277 KB)

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